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DeFi Tradeable HEX Stakes



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Hedron: DeFi Tradable HEX Stakes

What is Hedron?

Hedron (HDRN) is a collection of smart contracts on the Ethereum and PulseChain blockchains, building on top of HEX to enhance its utility. Hedron allows HEX stakers to mint and borrow HDRN tokens against their active HEX stakes and trade their HEX stakes as NFTs on compatible NFT marketplaces. Like HEX, Hedron is completely decentralized, with no admin keys or kill switches, ensuring zero counterparty risk.

How Do I Get HDRN?

Hedron enables stakers to mint or borrow HDRN based on the number of shares allocated to their HEX stakes. Here’s how it works:

  • Minting or Borrowing: Hedron analyzes a HEX stake and calculates the amount of HDRN that can be minted or borrowed.
  • Emergency Unstaking: If a staker emergency unstakes or ends their stake before minting HDRN, they lose the ability to mint HDRN against those stakes.
  • Instanced HEX Stakes (HSI): HEX stakes with active HDRN advances cannot end the stake until the advance is fully paid, though Good Accounting can still be used.
  • Maximum Minting/Borrowing Term: The maximum number of mintable or borrowable days equals the full term of the stake.

How Does HDRN Supply Relate to the HEX Share Price?

HDRN is an inflationary token, with its supply mechanism linked to the HEX share price:

  • HEX Share Price Increase: The HEX share price only increases over time, resulting in fewer shares allocated to HEX stakes.
  • Mintable HDRN Decrease: As the HEX share price rises, the amount of mintable HDRN decreases, similar to how the difficulty of minable cryptocurrencies increases over time.


Hedron (HDRN) introduces innovative DeFi functionality to HEX by enabling stakers to mint, borrow, and trade HDRN tokens against their HEX stakes. Its decentralized nature, with no admin keys or kill switches, ensures security and zero counterparty risk. As the HEX share price increases, the supply of mintable HDRN decreases, adding a deflationary aspect to the token over time. Hedron enhances the utility and value of HEX stakes, providing stakers with additional opportunities to leverage their holdings.

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