Impermanent Loss Calculator

Discover Your DeFi Exposure:
Instantly Estimate Impermanent Loss on PulseX and Similar Platforms

Impermanent Loss Calculator

Enter Asset A Original Price ($):
Enter Asset A New Price ($):
Enter Asset B Original Price ($):
Enter Asset B New Price ($):
Impermanent Loss:
IL Percentage: 0%

Understanding Impermanent Loss Calculator

Impermanent loss is a term commonly encountered in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), especially when it comes to providing liquidity to an Automated Market Maker (AMM) like PulseX, a Uniswap V2 fork. When you supply assets to a liquidity pool, the prices of those assets can change as trading occurs. If the price of your deposited assets changes after you've added them to the pool, and you decide to withdraw them, you might find that the total value is less than if you had simply held onto the assets outside of the pool. This phenomenon is known as impermanent loss.

The Impermanent Loss Calculator is designed to help you estimate the potential loss you might incur due to these price shifts. Here's how to use it:

Original Price: Enter the price of each asset at the time you deposited them into the liquidity pool.

New Price: Enter the current price of each asset.

Calculate: The calculator will then estimate the impermanent loss as a percentage.

Example:Let's say you deposited 1 ETH and the equivalent value in USDC into a PulseX liquidity pool when 1 ETH was worth $2,000. If the price of ETH rises to $3,000 and you decide to withdraw your assets, you would receive more USDC and less ETH than you originally deposited, potentially resulting in an impermanent loss.


What is impermanent loss in DeFi?

Impermanent loss refers to the reduction in value of your assets deposited in a liquidity pool compared to holding them in your wallet, due to price volatility. It's 'impermanent' because the loss is only realized if you withdraw your funds from the pool.

Why does impermanent loss occur?

It occurs because AMMs like PulseX maintain a constant product formula which requires the relative value of the deposited assets to remain constant. When the market price of an asset diverges, the pool's ratios adjust, leading to potential loss upon withdrawal.

How can I prevent impermanent loss?

While it's not possible to fully prevent it without avoiding liquidity pools altogether, you can minimize it by choosing pools with less volatile assets or those which offer higher transaction fees to offset potential losses.

Does impermanent loss mean I will always lose money?

Not necessarily. Transaction fees earned from trades in the pool can sometimes offset the impermanent loss. If the fees earned exceed the loss, you could still come out ahead.

How does PulseX handle impermanent loss?

PulseX, like Uniswap V2, uses a constant product market maker model which inherently exposes liquidity providers to impermanent loss. The platform doesn't prevent it but allows you to earn trading fees that may offset it.