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Bit Bank Roll Game

Bit Bank Roll Game

BITBankroll is a crypto lottery dapp that allows users to play the lottery and earn interest by staking their PLS tokens.
Bit Bank Roll Game


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Bit Bank Roll Game

BITBankroll: Crypto Lottery and Staking DApp on PulseChain


BITBankroll is a unique decentralized application (DApp) on PulseChain that combines a crypto lottery with a staking platform. Users can play the lottery to win a significant portion of the prize pot and earn interest by staking their PLS tokens. This innovative approach allows participants to enjoy the excitement of a lottery while gaining passive income through staking.

How It Works

Play the Lottery

BITBankroll’s lottery system is straightforward and engaging:

  • Lottery Tickets: Users purchase lottery tickets using PLS tokens. The more tickets you buy, the higher your chances of winning.
  • Prize Distribution: 40% of the lottery prize pot is awarded to the winner. The prize pot consists of contributions from users buying tickets and from stakers who ended their stake early.
  • Invite Friends: Users are encouraged to invite friends to participate, which increases the value of the prize pot.

Stake PLS Tokens

BITBankroll also offers a staking mechanism where users can earn monthly rewards:

  • Monthly Rewards: 50% of the lottery pool every month is distributed to stakers as rewards.
  • Management Fees: 10% of the lottery pool is allocated to the house for management fees.
  • Early Stake Termination: If a user ends their stake early, 50% of their capital and any earned rewards are forfeited and added back to the lottery pot.

Key Features

Lottery System

  • High Reward Potential: Winning 40% of the prize pot provides a significant incentive for participants.
  • Community Engagement: The system encourages users to invite others, increasing the overall prize and creating a vibrant community.

Staking Mechanism

  • Earn Passive Income: Stakers earn rewards monthly, providing a steady stream of income.
  • Early Termination Penalty: The penalty for ending a stake early helps to maintain the integrity of the prize pot and ensures a fair distribution of rewards.

Benefits of Using BITBankroll

  • Dual Earning Potential: Users can win big in the lottery while also earning steady rewards from staking.
  • Increased Engagement: The requirement to invite friends to build the prize pot fosters a strong, engaged community.
  • Fair and Transparent: The platform’s transparent operations ensure fair play and reward distribution.


BITBankroll offers a unique blend of lottery excitement and staking rewards, providing users with multiple ways to benefit from their PLS tokens. By participating in the lottery and staking their tokens, users can enjoy the thrill of potentially winning a large prize while also earning passive income. Join BITBankroll on PulseChain today and take advantage of this innovative DApp.

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