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PoorPleb ($PP) is a zero utility ERC20 memecoin on the Ethereum & Pulsechain networks.



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PoorPleb ($PP): Zero Utility ERC20 Memecoin on Ethereum and PulseChain

PoorPleb ($PP) is a unique ERC20 token launched on the Ethereum and PulseChain networks. As a memecoin, $PP is designed with no intrinsic features—no tax, no inflation—just a simple token with the basic functions of buying, selling, and sending.

Key Features

Zero Utility

  • Basic Functions: PoorPleb ($PP) offers three straightforward functionalities: buy, sell, and send.
  • No Tax or Inflation: There are no transactional taxes or inflation mechanisms in place, ensuring a straightforward tokenomics model.

Fair Distribution

  • Wealth Transfer: $PP aims to transfer wealth from the few to the many by ensuring fair distribution.
  • Exclusion of Whales: The distribution model is designed to exclude whales, offering a more equitable opportunity for the 99%.

Proof of Pleb

Consensual Distribution

  • Proof of Pleb: To claim $PP tokens, users must sign a statement from their Ethereum address, essentially admitting they are a "pleb."
  • Humble Participation: Only the humble and non-elite can thrive in this system, fostering a community-centric approach.

Community and Adoption

Building a Strong Community

  • Power to Create Change: PoorPleb ($PP) serves as a tool for the masses to initiate change in the system.
  • Loud and Heard Voices: The collective voice of the community is powerful, with the potential to drive significant change.

Free Airdrop and Bridge Between Communities

  • Free Airdrop: PoorPleb ($PP) will work as a bridge between various communities by allowing small players from successful meme tokens and projects to claim a set amount of tokens for free.
  • Eligibility: Over 2 million users will be eligible for the free airdrop, and even if only 1% claim their tokens, it will result in a strong start with 20,000 holders.
  • Community Focus: The key to success lies in building a strong, united community.


PoorPleb ($PP) is an experimental memecoin with a straightforward approach and a mission to redistribute wealth from the few to the many. By ensuring fair distribution, excluding whales, and fostering a humble community, PoorPleb aims to make a significant impact. With its Proof of Pleb mechanism and a large-scale free airdrop, $PP seeks to create a vibrant, engaged, and powerful community that can drive change and achieve great things together.

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