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Unlocking Higher Yields and Stronger Voting Power for the Phux Ecosystem



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2PHUX: Unlocking Higher Yields and Stronger Voting Power for the Phux Ecosystem

Convex-Like Layer for PulseChain is a distinct, unaffiliated third-party protocol built on top of the Phux system. The Phux protocol, a fork of Balancer V2 on PulseChain, is designed to maximize incentives for Phux liquidity providers and $PHUX stakers through the aggregation of $PHUX deposits and the native $2PHUX token.

For $PHUX Stakers

2Phux offers a seamless onboarding process to vePHUX by creating a tokenized wrapper token called $Prime2PHUX. This token represents the 80/20 $PrimePHUX token locked up for the maximum time in VotingEscrow.

Benefits for Stakers:

  • Existing Rewards: Stakers receive existing rewards ($PHUX + $PrimePHUX) from the Phux protocol.
  • Additional Rewards: Stakers also earn a share of any $PHUX earned by and additional $2PHUX.
  • Liquidity Pool Trading: Users can trade their $Prime2PHUX back to $PHUX through an incentivized liquidity pool. Note that the minting process is irreversible.

For Liquidity Providers simplifies the complexity of depositing into the Phux protocol gauge system, offering a smooth onboarding process to all Phux protocol gauge deposits.

Benefits for Liquidity Providers:

  • High Boost: Achieve a high boost through the protocol-owned vePHUX.
  • Additional Rewards: Accumulate additional $2PHUX rewards.

Summary Points

Yield Aggregation and veToken Accumulation Protocol

Enhanced Yield Generation

  • Superior Yield Rates: Users can achieve superior yield rates through 2Phux by leveraging the protocol’s collective voting power.

Boosted Rewards for Liquidity Providers

  • Enhanced Rewards: PHUX liquidity providers enjoy enhanced rewards by staking through the 2Phux protocol.

Governance and Yield Direction

  • Vote for Increased Yields: Users direct votes for increased yields to gauged PHUX Liquidity pools.

Up to 2.5X Boost on LP Rewards

  • Significant Feature: The 2Phux Protocol can provide up to a 2.5X boost on liquidity provider (LP) rewards, achieved through the protocol’s owned voting power, amplifying the yield potential beyond individual liquidity provision alone.

Locking for Influence of Rewards

Governance Rights

  • Powerful Incentive Model: Participants can lock the protocol token to gain governance rights, directing gauge votes towards specific liquidity pools and influencing the distribution of rewards within the ecosystem.
  • Protocol Fees: Lockers receive a portion of the protocol’s fees.

Maximizing Returns with Prime Token Staking

Highest Tier of Rewards

  • Prime Token Staking: Staking the Prime variant of the protocol token within 2Phux opens the door to the highest tier of rewards, providing users with an unparalleled opportunity to maximize their earnings.

Attractive and Lucrative Ecosystem

Enhanced Yield Potential

  • Increased Yield Potential: The protocol’s design ensures that Phux Ecosystem participants can significantly increase their yield potential.

Simplified Participation

  • User-Friendly Interface: Despite its sophisticated mechanisms, the protocol offers a streamlined and user-friendly interface with an option to fully automate your experience.

Decentralized Voting Power

  • Power of Choice: This approach places the power of choice directly in the hands of users, allowing them to selectively delegate their votes among several available pathways.

2PHUX is poised to transform yield farming and staking within the Phux ecosystem by offering enhanced rewards, simplified processes, and stronger governance capabilities. As an innovative layer on PulseChain, 2PHUX aims to unlock higher yields and stronger voting power, making it an attractive option for both stakers and liquidity providers.

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